Monday, June 21, 2010


When my husband Randy and I decided back in 1998 that we wanted to have a wheat grinder, we had no idea that path that would put us on.

We both grew up on farms, ate beef we raised, vegetables from our gardens and drank milk from the cows we milked. We did not however grind our own flour.

Thinking that sounded like a good idea, Randy made me a mill from materials out of the scrap pile at his job.

That little mill was the tool that God used to change the whole course of our lives. My husband was able to come home and start his own tool & die/machine shop business. That led to our children working with us and I found myself grinding out flour and making 80 loaves of bread every Friday to sell at the farmers market.!

After eleven years we still have the family business, although it is no longer at our home. We simply out grew our barn as well as our electric supply for our machines. God has blessed us with a shop just 3 miles down the road. We now have several other men that work for us with families of their own. Two of our sons continue to work here in the business and our other son works for a company just down the road that we do work for. Our daughter is married to a wonderful Christian man and they are in the process of starting a youth ministry. We have seen many changes in eleven years with our business moving and growing, our children growing up, getting married and having their own children, family members that were dear to us pass away. Life is always full of changes, but the one constant has always been Christ. He is always the same, He doesn’t leave us or forsake us and when we ask him to direct our steps He always does!

It is my desire to be able to share ideas, recipes and helpful hints to go along with our GrainMaker mill. I will look forward to "meeting" new friends here and please don't hesitate to contact me with your ideas and tips too!
