Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grainmaker and Facebook

Facebook is one of those places where you feel the odd anxiety to acquire as many friends as possible. It's like a warped form of high school where you can actually tally why the cool kids are the cool kids, and it's all to do with the numbers.

It's a numbers game, we want the numbers.

We have a great product and we work very hard at making it the best in the world. That's always been our aim. It's not only the product, our Grainmaker hand mill, that needs to be the best. It's our employees that need to perform on a higher level as well. Customer service is a big deal. We are a small family company that knows what it's like to deal with companies that only care about the bottom line. We CARE about our customers as much as we care about our product.

I look at Facebook as another portal for customer service. I see these big companies with Facebook pages with thousands of friends, but no real interaction. No real personality. We want more friends but we want to keep the small town family personality that has always been a huge part of our company. We want people to know we will always have a person, a living breathing person, who take care of them and their Grainmaker. We take great pride in what we do. Please, invite as many people to be our friend on Facebook, to to read our blog, or follow us on Twitter. These can only make us stronger as a company. It gets us out there and REALLY seeing what people think about our mill and gives us more insight on how to make it better.

Truly it's numbers game. We know this. We want to keep our employees reaching for better everything, so that we can help our customers to the fullest, make our mill better and treat everyone like they matter. Get us out their, friends. We will always work hard to show our customers how much we care about quality.

Your neighbor,

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